Thursday, July 2, 2009

Keep frozen until convenient.

We were sitting in the small consultation room at the fertility clinic listening to the doctor as he listed off more "advanced" options for treating our "unexplained" infertility. Harvesting eggs, creating embryos, freezing, thawing, implantation, odds of survival...etc. Every question was answered with more statistics, odds, chances. What isn't discussed is the larger question of "should we do this?". After all, aren't we really talking about creating multiple lives, throwing some into the crucible to fight it out with the expectation that at least one will survive, and putting the rest into a freezer until it is convenient for us to try again?
It is so easy to get caught up in the pragmatism of a thing that we lose sight of what we are really talking about. These are little people. I could no more consent to freezing an embryo than I could to freezing a newborn. To respect life means more than "to just not kill." as Jesus so eloquently explained.
"You know it is against the law to murder, but i tell you, just not killing people doesn't mean that you are a good person. When you use people, you reveal your contempt for them. When you have contempt for them you also have contempt for Me because I made them. How can you expect to live forever with someone you hate?" Matt 5 21,22 paraphrase.

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