Saturday, September 18, 2010

warranties guarantees and eternity

So I bought an used car a little bit ago, and now I am getting the warranty offers in the mail on a regular basis.  I'm sorry if it is your job to sell these, but please stop sending them to me, I am not getting one. I don't know why but I feel a little guilty in my defiance, but I can't help thinking, why would I buy a car that I think is going to break down. I don't know, but there must be somthing important that I am missing, because some of the first things people ask you when you tell them you got a new/used car are.... 1. What color is it? 2. What year is it? 3. Does it come with a warranty?

So for some reason this got me thinking of some of my church experiences and how it makes me cringe when I hear speakers or evangelists say something to the affect of  "do you know for sure where you are going to be when you die?" This statement is usually followed by a tragic story of some young person getting t-boned by a semi and then of course the altar call ensues...

So why do we need guarantee's? Well with car buying I would say most people want a warranty or guarantee because they don't want to end up with a lemon and with all the costs that go along with that. The fact is that most car manufacturers don't stand behind their products and that in turn leads us to distrust them or at least what they are selling. We aren't sure that what we are buying is as promised so we want the guarantee...I would suggest the same is true for Christianity. Those who need to be assured that they will be in heaven when they die don't fully trust what is being sold to them...or they don't trust the One who stands behind it. If I really trust that Christ will do what he thinks is best for me, (whether that is heaven or a couple thousand years on a prison planet in some distant solar system) than I won't need to worry whether I am "in" or "out". So please don't ask me if I want to buy a warranty and please, please don't ask me if I am sure I will be in heaven when I die....the only thing that I am sure of is; that if Jesus is who he said he was (and I believe He is), than I can trust Him to do with me as He pleases.

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